The Friday Read: A Dispatch from the Outside Lands 2021 Festival

Outside Lands to Require Proof of Vaccine or Negative COVID Test at 2021  Festival - mxdwn Music

My friends, we’re coming to you live from San Francisco with a shorter-than-usual dispatch for your regular Friday Read installment, where I normally get into things like the best men’s style essentials to carry you through your weekend. But if you follow me on Instagram or subscribe to my twice-weekly music and menswear newsletter, you might know that I’m doing things a bit differently today. You might also know that I wear a heck of a lot of hats, including writing about rugged menswear, covering whiskey, craft beer and of course, music. Which brings me to my San Francisco trip, already off to a fine start. I’m here writing about the always-excellent Outside Lands Festival, for Atwood Magazine, a celebration of great music (with a hearty helping of regional beer and cuisine) at Golden Gate Park.

It’s my first time to San Francisco in seven years, if you can believe it, and the festival is hotly anticipated for a number of reasons. I can’t wait to see lifetime heroes The Strokes play tonight, and I also expect stellar sets from indie stars like Sharon Van Etten. It’s going to be an action-packed weekend, so again, I’d call out that you should follow me on Instagram to get the full lay of the land (you should also check back here to read tomorrow’s Style Pick of the Week in the meantime). As for me, I’ve got some photos to take and some more writing to do, but this time, on music and not menswear. Thanks for reading, thanks for your support, and if you’ve got any San Francisco recommendations (like the incredible Anchor Brewing, which I visited yesterday!), be sure to drop me a line in the comments. Cheers and let’s rock!

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